May 2012

Community News Archive

The Globe and Mail has recently released an article, entitled The Power of Co-operatives: Ethical values underpin global movement, on the role of co-operative models in transitioning to a more sustainable economic system.  In the face of global economic crises and increasing equity issues, the United Nations have deemed 2012 as the International Year of Co-operatives to acknowledge co-operative systems as resislient to stresses from global economic crash and responsive to social change.  The Power of Co-operatives discusses the potential co-operatives have for both creating stronger economic systems and a more social just world because the basic principles underlying the co-operative framework are concudive to sustainable development.  The article provides examples and successes of currently operating co-operative organizations including the Sustainability Solutions Group, a partner organization of the Community Research Connections program.

Kickstarter is an online forum for those interested in sharing their artistic or technological projects. This online platform allows artists and inventors to exhibit their work and gather financial support for their projects through the global network. Through the Kickstarter system, potential funders and supporters of projects have the opportunity to review project plans and completion timelines, which allows people to be virtually involved in project geneses. As Kickstarter Inc explains, "People come to Kickstarter to build community around their projects."