Jim MacNeill, O.C., D.Sc., LL.D. Until recently Chairman of the World Bank’s Independent Inspection Panel in Washington D.C, Dr. MacNeill is a member of the Caspian Development Advisory Panel and Chairman Emeritus of the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) in Winnipeg. He is a member of several boards including the Woods Hole Research Center, Woods Hole, Mass., and the Wuppertal Institute on Climate and Energy Policy in Germany, and founding member of the Jury for the Volvo Environment Prize. Earlier, he was the Secretary General of the World Commission on Environment and Development (the Brundtland Commission), the Director of Environment for OECD, and the Canadian Ambassador and Commissioner General responsible for the UN Conference on Human Settlements. He was a founding member of the Japanese Institute for Global Environmental Strategies and the China Council. He served as a member of the High Level Advisory Group established by the Secretary General of OECD to advise on the future of that organization. He enjoys nearly four decades of experience as a policy advisor to leaders of governments, industry and international organizations in the fields of energy, natural resources, management, environment and sustainable development. He is an author, speaker, international negotiator, member of several boards, and recipient of many honors and distinctions, national and international.