September 2012

Community News Archive

Quality Urban Energy Systems of Tomorrow, QUEST, is a collaborative network of stakeholders who are actively working to make Canada a world leader in the design, development and application of Integrated Community Energy Solutions (ICES). Since its creation approximately 5 years ago, the QUEST Network has grown significantly and thus a new website has been created for connecting this increasing number of community builders from across Canada and around the world.  Features from the new website include:

  • A clearing house for publications & resources related to integrated energy
  • A growing Map of ICES projects across Canada
  • Conference Registration
  • Canada-wide Event listings
  • A Portal into Smart Energy Community solutions
Visit the new website by clicking here.  To learn more about QUEST and its role in developing sustainable communities, take a look at the CRC case study on this organization and network.

On March 30th 2012, CRC Research held a workshop entitled, Degrowth: A Critical Juncture?, which explored alternatives to relying on an economic model based on growing perpetually on a finite planet.  Published since this workshop, a report entitled, Building a Sustainable and Desirable Economy-in-Society-in-Nature, synthesizes an array of ideas on how to approach a new economic model that recognizes the finiteness of the planet.  Authors of this report include the CRC's workshop keynote speaker, Dr. Robert Constanza, and workshop panelist, Dr. Peter York.