Dr. Murray Journeay was born and raised in the deserts of Arizona. Murray has long been fascinated by the form and evolution of landscapes and the ways in which we make sense of place through science and art. As a geologist with the Earth Science Sector of Natural Resources Canada, he has studied the architecture and evolution of mountain systems in western North America and the ways in which communities interact with this landscape. In addition to earth science studies, Murray is part of regional sustainability initiative in the Georgia Basin region of western Canada, and co-leads an interdisciplinary project (Pathways) within Natural Resources Canada aimed at building a web-based architectural framework to situate and promote the use of integrated earth science information, knowledge and expertise within a broader societal context. Current projects focus on groundwater resource management and natural hazard mitigation in the Georgia Basin and Okanagan Basin regions of western Canada, with an emphasis on the process and tools of collaborative place-based planning, and community design.