Naomi Klein is asking what many of us have been thinking: What is it about climate change that makes us look away and bury our heads, as opposed to reacting with drive, purpose and commitment to change? In her new documentary (based on her best-selling book), she raises a valid, and important point: people have been told that we are the problem, that it is our nature to be destructive. No one likes to feel as if they are beyond help, or that the planet is, either. It’s a backwards narrative that leaves people feeling powerless. The fact is, we know the facts, and Klein’s message (which echoes many of those fighting the fight against climate change) is simple: capitalism and climate resolutions are not intrinsically compatible. If we want to change the world, we have to change the way we live in it. We must re-asses our societal norms without fear, and continue to put pressure on politicians to represent the interests of the planet and those who call it home above all else. Make sure our politicians know that we are expecting leadership, proactive and hard targets, ultimately leading to a carbon neutral economy by 2050, leading into COP 21 in Paris in December.
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