May was the 13th month in a row to break temperature records according to figures published this week that are the latest in 2016’s string of incredible climate records which scientists have described as a bombshell and an emergency. This article by the Guardian reports that "It was just last December when the world’s nations sealed a deal in Paris to defeat global warming but Prof Stefan Rahmstorf, at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research in Germany, says: “These [records] are very worrying signs and I think it shows we are on a crash course with the Paris targets unless we change course very, very fast. I hope people realise that global warming is not something down the road, but it is here now and it affecting us now.” This makes it even more imperative that we participate in Minister McKenna's social media campaign on twitter, #CanClimateAction. As the Minister commented at the recent Women for Nature event, "We're asking everyone to tweet or do a little video a tweet with a video about what action you are taking, what action your organization is taking to tackle climate change. It is really important that everyone feels like climate change isn't too big for us to deal with, that there are practical measures that we can take and that we're all in this together. "
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