Cooperatives Make Business Sense
The Financial Post and the Globe and Mail may be rivals in the world of Canadian business media, but there's one thing they agree on: co-operative organizations are among Canada's biggest businesses.
The Financial Post and the Globe and Mail may be rivals in the world of Canadian business media, but there's one thing they agree on: co-operative organizations are among Canada's biggest businesses.
The full conversation for the e-Dialogue on Leadership Energy and Environmental Design - Neighbourhood Development (LEED-ND) is now available online. This e-Dialogue involved professionals in community development and design, and it is rich with fascinating insight on the benefits and challenges of creating a rating system for sustainable community development. Check out out the LEED-ND e-Dialogue webpage where you can download the dialogue.
This is a good day to check out e-Dialogue conversations as the dialogue for the other June session is now available! Our e-Dialogue that reviewed the past five years of the CRC Research Program and projected plans for the next five years of research can now be downloaded from the website. Check out the complete conversation posted on the e-Dialogues Archives webpage.