We are partnering with Vijaya Lakshmi Koneru, Vice President of Development Alternatives, a non-profit based in India.
The project, “Developing a Knowledge Base for Integrated Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation- Linking Practice and Policy,” aims to increase knowledge mobilization for enhanced adaptive capacity that contributes to mitigation of climate change in India and Canada. In India, the focus is on Integrated Village Level Adaptation (IVLA) and in Canada, on Integrated Community Sustainability Planning (ICSP). The research will draw upon lessons from a number of climate change adaptation cum mitigation strategies and projects relevant to both countries.
The research methodology is designed to derive adaptive mitigation measures ensuring access to multiple benefits such as water, energy, food, and livelihood security of villages and small communities in India and Canada. The expected outputs of the project are: adaptation measures identified and documented; barriers and opportunities to IVLA/ICSP identified; policy briefs prepared and shared; learning documented and shared with a network of stakeholders involved in climate change adaptation projects and initiatives; online database of best practices and innovations; new knowledge collaborations between researchers, practitioners and civil society leaders; and capacity of personnel enhanced for adaptation research.