What matters most to Canadians? How much do we differ in what we want for Canada across gender, generations, regions, ethnicities? In a rapidly shifting global context, what values do we want to be reflected in the future of Canada?
When we talk about what matters most—our core values—we are most likely to choose and act in ways that lead to realizing them in our day-to-day lives. Also, when we speak about our values we are likely to discover that they are shared among others who we might have regarded as very different from us. The “Why” of the Canadian Values Conversations initiative is to create a national awareness and an understanding about values to foster a sense of shared purpose that spur change in neighbourhoods, communities, cities and regions across Canada toward a future that we want for us and for our children and grandchildren.
Share your voice by taking the national Canadian Values Conversation survey today. To learn more about this initiative, click here.
Photo by Greg Shield on Unsplash