With the ratification earlier this month of the Paris Agreement countries of the world have officially embarked in a global race to implement ambitious climate policies that contribute to reducing green-house gas emissions at the planetary-scale. If Canada wants to shine in 2020, domestic climate policies must rapidly be adopted to accelerate the low carbon transition.
In this context, Sustainable Canada Dialogues (SCD) – a network of 60+ scholars from across Canada – produced a progress report on Canada’s climate actions over the past year. We analysed climate decisions made in Ottawa in 2016 in relationship to the 10 policy orientations that we proposed previously in our position paper entitled Acting on Climate Change: Solutions from Canadian Scholars.
Download Rating Canada's Climate Policy: Sustainable Canada Dialogues Report on 2016.
Critical steps forward in Canadian federal policy identified by Sustainable Canada Dialogues include:
- Pricing carbon
- Plan and budget allocation to invest in low-carbon infrastructures
- Release of the Federal Sustainable Development Strategy;
- Inter-governmental consultation process that begun with the Vancouver declaration;
- Renewed engagement with Indigenous peoples in particular by adopting the UN Declaration on rights of Indigenous peoples