CRC News Archive

New Video Illustrating Spatial Justice

What is spatial justice? It's not a typo; it's a new and important way of thinking about social justice. Many of us will relate to justice and injustice along axes like class or race or gender. But every single one of us is affected by the spatial distribution of justice—things like where your nearest library is or how much diversity is in your grocery store. Watch this short animated video to learn about common examples and ways to increase spatial justice.

New modelling tool to help build strong, sustainable communities

Places+Spaces, a newly developed modelling tool, promises to break new ground on sustainable development decision-making for municipal and regional governments. As the first of its kind in Canada, this comprehensive new computer-based platform allows users to input various development factors including buildings, transportation, energy, water and land-use, economic and employment, education and healthcare. They are then integrated to calculate their interdependent relationships to produce various sustainability scenarios.