Views from the Edge

Conversations from the Edge

Welcome to the CRC blog, where we discuss bleeding edge issues around sustainable community development. The term ‘bleeding edge’ connotes the idea of our failure to somehow or other convince the publics about the urgency of responding to climate change now, and that we need to better communicate the principles and practises of sustainable development to the wider publics. So, yes it takes courage to be 'at the edge', and sometimes one 'bleeds' a lot, but let's start the conversation now.

Will rapid evolution save biodiversity?

Human activity is changing the environment at an unprecedented rate, but can biodiversity evolve…

Don't let wastewater go to waste, use it for heat

A new community development is tapping into the power of wastewater to achieve a carbon-neutral…

Finding opportunities for redesign

According to Bruce Mau, a Canadian-born designer and author, we live in an era of opportunities for…

Spaces, Places and Possibilities: The Empire State Building

An iconic building in the New York City skyline has undergone a remarkable regenerative…

Off with their heads?

Ever since the trucker occupation in Ottawa, I have been puzzling over the lack of civic literacy…

4 concepts to rethink conservation

The climate crisis has catalyzed the

A failure of educators

The recent ‘truck’ convoy was very disturbing for many reasons, not the least of which was the…

$1.8 trillion a year spent on harmful subsidies

Despite the growing urgency to curtail the climate crisis and biodiversity loss, environmentally…

Protect wildlife habitat and prevent a repeat of COVID-19

COVID-19 is the latest example of how viruses spill over from wildlife to humans, but there’s a…

Renewable natural gas as a possible climate change solution

The Canadian government, along with the Quebec, Alberta and B.C. provincial governments, are…

The cleaning crows of Sweden

A Swedish initiative has rolled out a novel pilot program in the City of Södertälje to rid the…

Caribou, Indigenous Rights and Reconciliation

Caribou once roamed across half of Canada. Today, this iconic species has disappeared from its…